Added a new pie menu "Non-Violent Interactions" and moved all non violent interactions there.The self defense system can be turned off from the mod's options.Sims with a "Good" trait will never murder the attacker Sims who escape an attack might : -Run Away -Attack Back.Sims with a high negative relationship with the attacker will tend to murder the attacker.Sims with a positive relationship with the attacker will tend to runaway instead of attacking back.Sims who escape a murder might : -Run Away -Attack Back -Murder Back.If the attacked sim has a higher "Fitness" skill than the attacker then they'll have a much higher chance of dodging the attack.There's a 80% chance that the murder/attack will succeed by default.Multiple outcomes that work according to sims traits and relationship with the attacker Suggested by the players, thank you so much ♥.Each weapon has it's own unique dodge animation.Every single murder & attack now has a chance of being dodged.Heart 3D Model by: adorezooey Thank you for sharing your great work ♥.Removed the blank animations clip packs from the clip pack list in Andrew's Pose Player, Pose By Pack.Fixed "Give (Sim Name) Money To Clear Up Bad Reputation" interaction bug & last exception and the text to display the selected sim's name instead of the controlled sim.Grim Reaper will no longer beat up a sim when the "Disabled Grim Reaper's Negative Reactions" option is activated.Sims with the "Psychopathic Tendencies Aspiration's "Reward trait "Horrifying Intimidation" will no longer be killed by witnesses if they have a "Murderer Reputation".**For example: having a murderer reputation will count towards completing the "Obtain The Violent Sim Reputation" or the "Offender Reputation" goals. Obtaining a higher violent reputation will now count towards completing the "Psychopathic Tendencies Aspiration"'s reputation goals.

Holding A Sim At Gun Point For Money: *Available in the "Non Deadly Interactions" category.All of the new murders include the self defense/dodge ability.